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Hexadecimal Code A79f92

RGB and Hex Color Codes: Understanding Brown and Gray Shades

Hexadecimal Code: a79f92

In the RGB color model, a79f92 is composed of:

R: 167

G: 159

B: 146

Hexadecimal Code: 454f58

In the RGB color model, 454f58 is composed of:

R: 69

G: 79

B: 88

Color Descriptions

a79f92 is a medium light shade of brown, often referred to as "Volkswagen Ascot Gray."

454f58 is a medium dark shade of gray, also known as "Volkswagen Ascot Gray."

Additional Information

  • For more information on Volkswagen Ascot Gray, visit
  • Here is a list of all paint codes used on Volkswagen T-roc vehicles.
